Now we have brought that thinking to the recruitment sector with project-extranet for recruitment agents. We have long believed that recruitment agents could seriously improve the service they offer by making use of project-extranet shared workspaces. For each position being filled, create a project and populate it with the candidates being put forwards. Use all the collaboration tools to arrange interviews, stimulate discussion about candidates and manage candidate databases.
So by working closely with a number of recruitment agencies we have developed a series of Extranet Apps designed specifically for the recruitment business. These both improve internal operational efficiency and significantly enhance the service you offer your customer.
Candidate Wall: Post your candidates to a shared workspace to allow your clients in to access, rate, review, download cv’s, request interviews, short list and reject, all at the click on a button.
Candidate Database: Manage your candidates in one central location. Capture their history, store documents, keep track of their status.
- Task management: Process driven interview, rejection, shortlisting and follow-up tasks help your staff stay on top of their job and help you get more done with less.
More information about project-extranet for recruitment agents as well as a 30-day free trial can be found at